ACTIVITY REPORT OF NEW LIFE CENTRE 2018-2019De-addiction Day Celebration(June 2018 )Celebration began with the Jyothi Ootam from Colachel to Nagercoil Torch was lit by Rev. Fr. Sales (VF of Colachel) and St. Mary’s Hr. s. school boys carried the torch forward. Some saplings were planted as a significant event of the day in different places. ![]() Awareness programme (October 2018)Awareness programme on “Alcoholism” is an illness Sr.Sophie the Director of New Life Centre welcomed the gathering. Senior member Mr.Thamian and a Junior member Mr.John Sekar shared their recovered story with the students. ![]() ALANON Meeting(October 2018 ) Doctor Dr. Aarthi from Government Hospital Colachel presided over the meeting and gave a detailed demonstration She specially shared about the natural treatment for Dengue fever and other contagious fevers. Yoga also Conducted during this meeting ![]() New Life Centre Members Visit To Families. This was the first-step taken to re-establish the relationship-bond between the members and the centre. It was a Great success that many of the memers renewed their visit to NLC, participating in the ACTIVITY REPORT OF NAGLE HEALTH CENTER 2018-2019Evaluation of our ministries (June 2018)Mr.Arokia samy Zonal manager of Caritas South India was our resource person . He met few of our hospital staff and sisters. We evaluated our ministries with the staff , NLC members and people from the village. ![]() Hospital Day celebration(August 2018)We celebrated our hospital day. We had a meaningful Eucharistic celebration to thank God for the gift of our staff, Doctors and all . We had party games and fellowship meal together. ![]() Health Education (September 2018)We had organised a gathering to educate on naturopathy to the people at Colachel. There were 78 participants We explained about their life style and about the alternative medicine ![]() Medical Camp(October 2018)We organized a medical camp at Reetapuram Dr.Sr.Gratia and Dr.Sr.Ruby were there to help us in medical camp. There were more than 100 patients . We have diagnosed more DM and HT asked them to have follow up in our Hospital ![]() Christmas Day Celebration (December 2018)We celebrated christmas with our patients In our hospital. We had a small prayer service and cutting of the cake.we blessed the new born chilren and their mothers. ![]() Meeting with Bishop (May 2019)Sr. Gratia and Sr.Ruby attended Doctors meeting at Bishops house . They gathered to discuss on health status of the people and to improve their health in our dioceses. ![]() ACTIVITY REPORT ON SOCIAL MINISTRY 2018-2019April & May-2018Through house visiting we found out the drop outs and 13 children are re-admitted in the schools. Through counseling 4 children continued their education June & July 2018In this new academic year we formed 59 Children’s Parliament in 15 Schools and 7 neighboring villages. We selected new ministers, explained their duties and responsibilities and equipped them how to conduct the meeting. Visited a lady who had stroke and it affected her legs and hands. We bought a walker for her. ![]() September-2018We encouraged the children to be generous to help the people of Kerala who are affected by rain. The children collected Rs. 6000/ for flood relief. The money was send to the people who are affected . October 2018We have initiated Children’s Parliament in two schools. St. Ann’s Primary school, Kalimar and St. Luciya Primary School, Puthur. ![]() February-2019Awareness was given on the following topics; • Concentration on their studies and get good marks in the forth coming exams. • Reading newspapers regularly. • Use of media and avoid using mobile for a long time. • Handling anger and not to beat others. • Cleanliness-class rooms and surroundings. • Saving water. • Avoid plastics. Training Program on sustainable development goal- On Environment.On 4th March 2019, 55 students from four neighboring schools and neighboring villages gathered at Presentation Convent, Nagle Hall, Colachel. Mr. Rajan gave awareness on Natural Life which is a good and healthy life. ![]() March 201949 students were gathered for the awareness program on use of water. • Save water • Not to waste water. • Drink more water1/2 an hour before and after meal. • Not to drink during meals. • To keep up good health drink more water. ![]() |