OUR MINISTRIESWe are involved in providing holistic approach to health to all people. So we have health centre with maternal and child health, treatment of diseases through different systems of medicines. Health Ministry (1976)Nagle health Centre is still the preferred place for many poor people, especially for maternity care. The present hospital has 25 beds. Our main work involves attending to children and pregnant women. We have 50 – 60 deliveries per month. Other cases are also admitted and treated here. People feel safe here and they are sure of normal deliveries at low cost. We do have a functional Operation Theatre, Pediatric, ultrasound diagnostic and a well equipped laboratory unit. We are happy in providing care to antenatal mothers that eventually lead them to have normal deliveries and caesarean sections if needed. Child health is well attended by the specialists.Apart from Allopathy, we have Homoeopathy and Naturopathy line of treatment. De-addiction Ministry (1983)Our health care to the poor and the needy is approached in its holistic and communitarian dimensions. The Presentation Sisters have launched a crusade against alcoholism in Colachel area. Alcoholism is both a cause and symptom of various ills that affect the community of people. The treatment of alcoholics is a conversion process. The patient is guided through a medico-counseling-spiritual process whereby the person returns to self, the family and the society. The patient is not treated as individual but as part of a family and the community. The entire family of the patient goes through the process and they stand in support. The informal beginning of the early 80’s has graduated into New Life Centre. We are happy to say we have successfully treated over 1500 families. The recovered alcoholics and drug addicts continue to be in touch with the Centre and actively take part in weekly and monthly programs organized for them. We encourage all those who wish to be cured from alcoholism and drug abuse to avail of our services. We have facilities in our hospital to manage the detoxification and other associated medical problems followed by 21 days of therapy in New Life Centre. Nature cure and Alternative medicine systems (1984) Our Nature cure centre started in 1984 has been a boon to many. The patients treated here are mostly people with chronic ailments, who had been to various treatments and have not felt better. Those who have come here find it has helped them to reduce the drugs and adopt a different life style and their disease is healed. Presentation Sisters in health ministry have the vision of health for all at an affordable cost. By health we mean physical, mental, spiritual and social well being and we have to address all these in our treatment methods.Having this vision, the sisters trained themselves in the holistic approach to health. Apart from drug therapy of Allopathy, Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Sidha and unani systems, we have adopted drugless therapy. Nature therapy’s philosophy is that all diseases are created by the collection of toxins within the body. By elimination of these the person can regain health using these following methods.
Whole body massage using herbal oils relaxes the tensed muscles due to anger or stress. Our body has electro magnetism that flows through our body for proper functioning. In illness, there are blocks and this is settled by placing magnets in specific places of pain or swelling with the use of different poles of the magnet. Certain points in the body and the sole of the foot in particular represent different organs and according the organs affected, they become tender. On proper stimulation of the points representing the particular organs, the organ tries to heal itself. It is considered that very important for a person to get rid of anxiety, to enable to be forgiving those hurt them and let go of the past as these may be the cause of their illness. It helps to keep the body, mind and spirit together and this unity helps in healing. Herbal juices and raw semi cooked food help in retaining the vitamins and are helpful in healing. Though the facilities still need improvement in some way, around 4000 persons have experienced the healing touch in this new and creative way to healing and wholeness. All those who aspire a natural well being can benefit these modalities of treatment either inpatient or outpatient basis. Neighborhood health communities Our sisters are actively involved in a program that is successfully going on in the district that brings people at the grassroots together under the banner, ‘People’s Health in People’s Hands’. People are organized irrespective of their caste or creed, into neighborhood health communities of some thirty families each. Special attention is given to womenfolk inasmuch as it they doubly marginalized in any poor society. Much awareness is created among people through mobile health clinics, arranged health camps on communicable diseases and prevention as well as promotion of health. Social Ministry Our involvement with lives of the people here has become more intense with the incidence of Tsunami. We felt the need to commit ourselves beyond the relief works. We were moved with compassion to restore the families into wholeness. We have formed group for fishing head load women. They are supported with weekly gathering and their thrift and savings generate the needed income that could be used by the way of loans. We are in touch with the families in our local area through regular family visits. We make efforts to reach out to children belonging to single parents and broken families. Our stakeholders, field workers and Friends of NANO are a great help in ensuring child protection policies through children’s activities in the schools and area. Children are synchronized to create a better world. Activity Report on Social Ministry SDGs (July- August 2017) We have taken her from July 3rd gave her orientation about our work on SDGs and our mission.on 03.07.2017 1. In Kotilpadu School Goal;1. No Poverty on 05.07.2017Awareness was given to end poverty;- The children discussed on the links between poverty and unemployment. Give awareness to their parents and request them to help the poor. She collected the data collection about the malnutrition and anemic patients by house visiting and planed for the medical camp 4. On 17.07.2017We had awareness programme on Dengue fever and gave preventive medicine for the people and children. 5. On 19.07.2017She met the leaders of all the pius association and other groups and dealt with the SDGs in our parish and gave awareness on climate change .People were so happy and enthustic to know about it. 7. On 26.07.017Gave awareness on climate change follow up programme 1. On August 2017Awareness was given to the women’s group regarding various ways of saving water in the home and not to waste water. One of the areas {Singaravelan colony} with the help of the animators, the Children cleaned the place and gave awareness to the people. They requested them not to throw rubbish anywhere and everywhere but collect it in one place and the municipality will clear it. The people of that colony cooperated and keep the place clean. The Children learnt the child line No.1098 and they promised that they will make use of this No, if any urgency arises. 5. On 14.08.2017Explained to the Children of Std.9th & 10th proper use of media, TV, internet, whatsApp, mobile, facebook and its pros and cons through examples and advised them to make use of the time more meaningfully. Due to use of mobile, our relationship in the families is decreasing. She went for House visiting for data collection in Colachel 7. On 21.08.2017Went to Chinnavilai for the meeting with the priest for the further work there along with Sr.Ruby. 8. On 23.08.2017Went to the school for the follow up programme in th echildren’s parliament programme. We are going to conduct the capacity building training programme for the women in Chinnavillai so kindly provide Rs.15000/. Through Audio Visual Aids like Video and Power point, Treatment On 22.10.2017The training programme began at 10.30 am. Mrs.Pushparani from the Health commission group of Chinnavilai welcomed us and lamp was lit by Sr.Vandana,Fr.Claret Dr.Sujay.The children did prayer dance .Fr.Claret invoked God’s presence and led us in prayer .Dr.Hubert spoke about the Cancer Disease and its causes. Dr.Hubert spoke the Disease and its causes:Cancer is a group of diseases that can cause almost any sign or symptom. The signs and symptoms will depend on where the cancer is, how big it is, and how much it affects the organs or tissues. If a cancer has spread (metastasized), signs or symptoms may appear in different parts of the body. As a cancer grows, it can begin to push on nearby organs, blood vessels, and nerves. This pressure causes some of the signs and symptoms of cancer. If the cancer is in a critical area, such as certain parts of the brain, even the smallest tumor can cause symptoms. But sometimes cancer starts in places where it won’t cause any signs or symptoms until it has grown quite large. Cancers of the pancreas, for example, usually don’t cause symptoms until they grow large enough to press on nearby nerves or organs (this causes back or belly pain). Others may grow around the bile duct and block the flow of bile. This causes the eyes and skin to look yellow (jaundice). By the time a pancreatic cancer causes signs or symptoms like these, it’s usually in an advanced stage. This means it has grown and spread beyond the place it started – the pancreas. A cancer may also cause symptoms likeFever, extreme tiredness (fatigue), or weight loss. This may be because cancer cells use up much of the body’s energy supply, or they may release substances that change the way the body makes energy from food. Cancer can also cause the immune system to react in ways that produce these signs and symptoms. Dr.Sanjeev spoke about the following :How are signs and symptoms helpful? Treatment works best when cancer is found early – while it’s still small and is less likely to have spread to other parts of the body. This often means a better chance for a cure, especially if the cancer can be removed with surgery.A good example of the importance of finding cancer early is melanoma skin cancer. It can be easy to remove if it has not grown deep into the skin. The 5-year survival rate (percentage of people who live at least 5 years after diagnosis) at this early stage is around 98%. Once melanoma has spread to other parts of the body, the 5-year survival rate drops to about 16%. Sometimes people ignore symptoms. Maybe they don’t know that the symptoms could mean something is wrong. Or they might be frightened by what the symptoms could mean and don’t want to get medical help. Maybe they just can’t afford to get medical care. Some symptoms, such as tiredness or coughing, are more likely caused by something other than cancer. Symptoms can seem unimportant, especially if there’s a clear cause or the problem only lasts a short time. In the same way, a person may reason that a symptom like a breast lump is probably a cyst that will go away by itself. But no symptom should be ignored or overlooked, especially if it has lasted a long time or is getting worse. Most likely, symptoms are not caused by cancer, but it’s important to have them checked out, just in case. If cancer is not the cause, a doctor can help figure out what the cause is and treat it, if needed. Camp at 11.30 AmAround 11.30 Am we started the medical camp in which more than 150 patients benefited. Five Doctors were there to see the patients .They were satisfied and went home happily.Fr.Claret thanked us and all the staff.Training ended with the medical camp.